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Talking With My Mouth Full

This morning, I am praying for wisdom, instruction, discernment, and understanding. I am looking at Proverbs 1:1-7 and asking for all that is hidden there. Lord, I ask for eyes to see and ears to hear.

While praying for ears to hear his voice of wisdom and instruction & eyes to see him display it, my vision was filled with a table spread before me. God has put before me a table filled with wisdom and knowledge, delicacies of council and instruction, plates piled with justice and judgment. His face is smiling and it beckons me to 'come and dine.' Once again, the idea that we have been given all things (2 Peter 1:3; 1 Cor 3:21) is presented to me. That includes all wisdom! Paul prayed in Col 1:9-10, 'that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.' Jesus himself promised that the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth (John 16:13).

Now, as I sat pondering this beautiful spread before me, I didn't stop there: I didn't simply look at it and think how beautiful the food was, how it smelled pleasing, etc. No, I excitedly went to the table and filled my mouth! Now, picture this if you will: My mouth is crammed WAY over capacity. I am stuffing  myself with his wisdom. Crumbs are falling out of my smiling mouth as I delight in the fare! My hands are holding fist fulls of goodies, ready to plunge them into my soon as I can make some room. In between bites, I do my best to thank God for the spread. You've probably seen it before: someone who's mouth is so full of food and still they are trying to talk. Well, that was me this morning! "Thanks Lord" was hardly understandable since the words could barely be formed around all the glorious goodies!

It was in this moment that I felt the Spirit prompt my heart. He said, 'it's good to speak with your mouth full! And suddenly, his wisdom reached my heart. If I keep my mouth filled with the goodness of God, then what will come out? Goodness! It's like the crumbs falling out when I'm tyring to speak...crumbs of wisdom, mercy, and praises will automatically fall out onto others! The Holy Spirit was showing me that whatever I speak will get filtered through whatever fills my mouth. Psalm 149:6 says, 'let the high praises of God be in their mouth' and Psalm 34:1 says, 'I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth!' So, if I fill my mouth with his goodness, goodness will come forth! There are many references in God's word to having our mouths filled with laughter, new songs, blessings, etc. The table is spread. The food is glorious! My job is to pull up a chair and to start diggin' in! O, taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8)!

So, this morning, I'm pulling up my chair; I'm rolling up my sleeves. Heck, I'm throwing away the silverware...and I'm chowing down! My mouth is gonna be full today but I'm gonna keep on talking. It's okay. Here at this table, it's good to talk with your mouth full.


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