This post has nothing to do with my challenge...but I thought I should share this word with whoever will read and listen. Below is the entry that I typed in my journal with the Lord this morning. It ministered to me. I pray it does the same for you.
January 14, 2011
Most beautiful Lord, I am seeking your guidance on John 3:3-8. There is so much hidden FOR me there, Lord! Holy Spirit, come and direct my steps in this passage. Open up my eyes…touch them and I will see. Touch my ears that I may hear. Only in YOUR wisdom do I see and hear and understand. Thank you, Lord, that you are faithful to do just that! J
I wait for you. Come Holy Spirit.
My Beloved is beautiful, he’s radiant and excellent… I’m singing this song…and then the Lord breaks in!
To see me like this, child, takes a work of my Spirit deep in the inner man. It is a secret work, yet one that is fully manifested on the outside. To see me like this truly, your eyes are opened to the ‘outside’ unseen world. No man can declare my beauty unless he has been born of my Spirit. For the Spirit sees through you; it is His eyes, his burning jealousy for me to be exalted, that peer through you and see me as I am. It is his eyes and his ears that hear me and see me and follow hard after me.
It is the ones who have died to themselves and been raised up in the power of My Spirit who can see the King and the Kingdom. But few see and few enter in. Because few see, few enter. They must see. They must see the beauty of me. And this will only be revealed as the beholder unveils the eyes of those around him through passionate worship and pursuit of my heart. When you (the beholder) release the kingdom of God around you, it is an open invitation, an open door to see the Kingdom and enter in. Many will see the kingdom through outward demonstration; even as Nicodemus confessed that I was from God because of the works that I did. You can boldly proclaim that the Kingdom of God is NEAR you when you release the chains of darkness that hold people bound. This is the open door of invitation. To release the Kingdom of God, his power and authority upon this earth, is to fling wide the door of invitation to enter into the realm of my glory…no longer NEAR, but ENTERING IN. That choice is theirs alone…but the responsibility of opening the door lies within the heart of each child who calls upon my name.
But if my children are blind, how much more so the world around them? We must show them the glory of the Only Begotten Son! We must show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness and into his marvelous light. So many of my children fail to see…they fail to see the Kingdom within them; they fail to see the beauty of the King. Truly, there is a relationship between seeing the King’s beauty and understanding the authority of the Kingdom within. If you do not know my heart you can not know how I rule, how I reign…and yes, I reign through my people upon the earth. When you build a throne for me in praise, I truly come and reign. I sit upon your praises, o Israel ! O daughter of Zion, I sit on your highest hill of praise. But your praise is not just song or dance…it is in activity. Your praise is also action. It is flinging the door wide for my entrance. Open up your gates and the KING of glory will come in. When you actively pursue the lost, you fling wide the gates. How will this come? It will come though outward observation. For you, for the comes from inward observation. This is the position I have called all who call on my name to…to look and see the Kingdom within them. But, then it is your job to outwardly display the kingdom within you. For those who do no know me, it is their right to demand that the sons of God reveal the glory of the Father upon the earth. All the world waits and groans for the sons of God to be revealed! Revealed! Reveal my name and my glory! Reveal me! Reveal my father! Show forth the praises in your life and action!
It is the duty of all who hold the kingdom within. But, so many do not realize that the Kingdom is their own possession. I have left my kingdom with them as a treasure in the earth…like the talents left to my servants, I entrust my people to spread my kingdom seed wherever they go. Yet, so many do not think of themselves as bearers of my kingdom. They have no idea of the hidden glory I have deposited within them. They are foolish not to see and perceive what I have gladly bestowed upon them. Their own eyes are blind! They themselves, children of light, grope about in darkness waiting for the day when all will be made right. They are looking for a coming kingdom, yes, whose builder and maker is God. But here me now! I am building my CHURCH! That is my building plan upon the earth. You are the base upon which the city of God will be planted. Your foundation is what the literal Kingdom will be built upon. Declare my kingdom in your words and deeds. Let your life praise rise up around me.
I am telling you, child, that many will see and fear and come to know me when my people will take off their blinders and move! Darkness can not overtake the light. It cannot overtake you. But if you walk as one whose light is hidden under a basket, then truly, are you not in darkness yourself? You will stumble and fall as those who have no light. But, if my people will proclaim who they are…and who I am….then they will see. Your challenge is to get believers…as much as the unbelievers…to see! Once my church wakes up to her position upon the earth, then the world will see my glory. Until then, my people walk around groping for the Kingdom come. Tell them! The Kingdom of God is upon them! Within them! Open your eyes and see the Kingdom of God is at YOUR hands! To be distributed as you will! I have trusted my people with the most precious possession of my Kingdom and my Spirit. I trust them to do the work upon the earth. They must know this. They must see this. But, truly…only if one is born from above can they see the Kingdom of God . The work of seeing the kingdom is one that my Holy Spirit must do. I tell you the truth a day is coming when many believers who do not see will see…they will see and truly be transformed. This is the hour of great shaking that is coming! I am shaking the scales off of their eyes! When my bride is finally awakened to her position of authority upon the earth, great revival will take place. I have told you this before. The first awakening that is coming is to my church. I am rousing my sleeping one. I am offering salve for the eyes so they will see. Many will ‘trip’ and stumble into the kingdom….many who have ‘followed’ me for years….because they did not see clearly. I implore believers to see! Buy from me eye salve! See into the realm of my glory! Do not be afraid! Boldly enter into that which has been prepared for you by my Father! Come as you are! Let me touch you so that you may clearly see who you are and who I am upon this earth. I will shake off false humility. I will shake off false doctrine. These are two blinders on the eyes of my people. Like two patches over the eyes. I will shake off both with a powerful blow! A bomb of the Spirit will be released upon the earth. I am coming in power through those who are seeing and beginning to see. I am awakening hearts. I am removing hindrances in this hour. Do not be offended because of me…but come to me and embrace my heart. Now is the hour of salvation. Now is the time of my Kingdom come. Look for it. Look in your hands. Even as I asked Moses, ‘what is in your hand’…or even as I asked the disciples, ‘what is in your hand’…look and see what I have given. It may appear to just be a stick or just a few loaves and fish…but when it is this way, I receive the glory due. I will take your little acts of faith and multiply them in the heavenlies. You’re preparing the way through little acts of love and obedience. Every time you step out to release love, you do well. When you step out and take a risk of faith, a tremor takes place in the realm of darkness and it awakens hearts around you. Do it again and again. Go forth in boldness! See! I am the Captain of the host and I go with you!
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