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Showing posts from 2011

A Passage of Scripture I'm Not Fond Of

So, today I was reading Joshua 7. It's the one that talks about Achan and how he was killed for lying, stealing, etc. etc. His sin cost him his life and cost Israel a victory in battle.'s not one of my favorite passages of scripture! It's one that makes me cringe when I read it. No warm fuzzies. Ready for MORE honesty?! I have reason not to like this passage. I've seen it used within the church as proof to judge and punish someone who has sinned. In fact, I've personally been on the 'receiving' end of that position. It's no fun. Yep. Not one of my favorite passages of scripture. ALL the more reason for me to read it and to ask God his opinion on the passage. It can be really easy to skip over difficult passages of scripture. It can be easy to just skim them and not ponder them at all. But it is still God's word. I want to know why he said what he said. Soooo, I took it to the Lord in all my glorious honesty this morning. I walked rig...

Grace to Gaze

This morning, I came across Psalm 11:4-5 - the eyelids of the Lord test the sons of men...He tests the righteous. I love the imagery here. I was drawn to think of Hebrews 12:6 which says the Lord disciplines His kids! The ones he loves. Then, I thought of Deut. 8:16 which says God humbled and tested the children of Israel 'for their good in the end.' It is good to be tested by God. I took some time to ask God about this in my journaling. Beyond the fact that God sees all, what does it mean to be 'tested by His eyes?' Here are some things He spoke to me: My eyes are the window to my Spirit, child. You are created in my image and your eyes reveal much about the clarity of your spirit. Eyes are the window to the soul, to the inner working of a man. So with you, it is with me. My eyes reveal my nature. Look at them and you will see kindness, love, fiery jealousy for your good. I am protector and father and this is seen in my gaze upon your life. I watch diligently over my...

The End of the Year

I've been doing my Psalm 17:3 challenge for a while now - a year to be exact - and I am still learning how to guard my tongue. The Lord showed me a picture in prayer the other night that dealt with this 'unruly member.' I asked Him, 'what areas still need consecration in my life?' I suddenly saw a picture of a huge tongue lying on an altar, pierced through with a sword, still flopping and fighting for life. Ouch! I had to laugh at the truth of what God was showing me. This little member of my body sure doesn't want to go out without a fight! So, here I am at the end of 2011, still learning to bless, to praise, to be silent at times...still learning to follow the Great Example of blessed speech. I will continue to challenge myself in Psalm 17:3. I'm not gonna give up this challenge. However, I will be changing the name of this blog to Echoes From Zion. You can read the tab above for more information on why that name means a lot to me. So,from now on, my cha...

Covenant of Salt

I've been away from my computer for quite a while now. It's a long story but we didn't have Internet for the past month or so in our house. We're back up and running now! Praise God! I'm posting my prayer journal from this morning. I was reading Leviticus when a term popped out at me and I stopped to talk to God about it. I hope it makes sense to you and that you enjoy it. November 21, 2011 Lord, I am standing amazed at the term ‘covenant of salt’ that I read in Leviticus this morning and all that this means in connection with what you told us in the Sermon on the Mount…’you are the salt of the earth.’ Would you please expound on it for me? Thanks! J I love you, Lord.   I see Jesus with a salt shaker, he has rubbed salt in his hands and is rubbing it between his fingers. I am pondering if it going into his skin. Show me your word, Lord. You are made up of a lot of salt and water child. Yes, Lord. When you sweat, what remains? Salt on my skin. It ...

My Progress

So, holding your tongue, keeping it from criticism and complaint, etc. is a life long goal. That is something I am learning. In the beginning of this challenge, I was usually thinking about my conversation and choosing my words. That's how it really should be at all times. Now days, I find that I'm not thinking so much about it. On one hand, it has become more natural to guard my speech. That's good. But, on the other hand, I still catch myself blurting out something that was not edifying because I didn't pause to think about what I was saying. Ya know, I should probably ask my husband his opinion of my speech. He really could judge me best. Just thinking. I've been reading through Genesis and Exodus on my way to Revelation, asking God to show me his heartbeat. I really believe that having an understanding of God's emotions, his desires, his 'why' behind the 'what' that he performs, is a key to being filled with the knowledge of God. I could ...

The Power of Blessing

I was reading Genesis 27 this morning and was so struck by verse 35 - Jacob took Esau's blessing by deceit. I is that even possible?!? It just seems crazy and well...unfair. I decided to take it to the Lord in journaling and wouldn't you know it? It goes RIGHT along with my challenge of guarding my mouth. It's posted below. Enjoy! September 16, 2011 As continued in my study this morning on Gen 27, and the crazy power of blessing: Lord, talk to me about blessing. You told me blessing is your favor. I like that. Expound on this word, this power, and this passage, please. My word is my bond, child. What I bless cannot be receded. It cannot be undone. What I say forever stands. My word is forever settled in the heavens. Yes, I am waiting for my word to be settled in the earth. But in the people ‘of earth’, the ones I made out of the earth, there is a word of blessing. I blessed creation. I blessed mankind and that seed of blessing lives inside of every heart...

Isaiah 12

My Psalm 17:3's still becoming a lifestyle. I still have good days and bad days. However, just knowing the power of guarding my tongue keeps me in check. It is good when I weigh what I'm about to say, wondering if it's of any benefit. I just pray there will be a time when I ALWAYS choose right! :) This morning I was doing some homework for a class on Isaiah that I'm taking. I was answering a question regarding Isaiah chapter 12 (one of my favorite salvation prayer chapters), when something jumped out at me. First, take a look at Isaiah 12: 1 And in that day you will say:       “ O LORD, I will praise You; Though You were angry with me, Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me. 2 Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘ For YAH, the LORD, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation.’” 3 Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation. 4 And in that day...

For Those Friends Who Have Been Praying For Me...(You know who you are :)! )

Here are the journal entries I told you about. The first one is from today's prayer time. The one following is an entry from March that God reminded me of today. I'm also attaching one more...something that goes along with the other two. I usually have a trusted prophetic friend read my journal entries. I have not had her read todays. So, if you feel a check in your heart that I've missed any part (for we all prophesy in part), let me know. That's why I have her check many of them. Otherwise, wow. God messed me up today with his great love and trust in me. Enjoy! August 5, 2011 You are so much deeper than I know. Your depths are unsearchable, your rivers too wide to search out. But I am happy here on these waters. For though I may not see the depths or the eternal horizon, I am moved with every well designed ripple. Every stirring of the waters stirs my soul. Like gentle waves lapping on the shore, your presence washes over me leaving me marked and changed forever...

Failure. Dang. Sin stinks...but Rigtheousness Rules!

I. Have. Failed. Yep. I'm not beating myself up...but I tell you what, when you see the power of sin in your life, it makes you want to go to war OR wallow. I choose to war. :) Yesterday, I outright complained. Yep. I confess, I dumped and complained. Did it do me any good? Nope. It never does. After I did it, the Holy Spirit spoke to me - this compalining? It begins in your mind. AAAAHHH! How true! How TRUE! You see, my mind has been focused on something that bothers me. Instead of rolling it off to the Holy Spirit, setting my mind on things above, I set my mind on my irritation and BLAH!...out of my mouth it came. Complaining begins with a thought. Isn't this what the word of God says? Romans 8:5 - those who live according to the sinful nature, set their minds on the things of the flesh... 2 Cor. 10:5 - bringing every thought captive Col 3:3 - Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. So...I'm setting my mind on Christ. In fact, you know w...

Seasoned With Grace

So - my challenge? It's going okay. I'll be honest - I wish there were people DOING it with me. It would be so much easier if I never heard a believer around me complain, criticize, etc. Ya know what I mean? But overall, the challenge has become more of a lifestyle. There are days when I slip up and go, 'Oops. Missed that point in my challenge!' but overall, like I said, it really has become more of a lifestyle to guard my words. This challenge has really helped me in this. However, it is the amazing presence of my Papa & learning more about His heart that encourages me NOT to speak negatively. I've been studying Grace lately. Man - grace is, well...amazing! We sing about it in services and funerals...heck, even unbelievers are moved to tears when they hear the tune! Amazing Grace! For those of us who have truly received saving grace, we have a much greater reason to sing! We should be basking in it, celebrating it, and sharing it with everyone we see. The pro...