So - my challenge? It's going okay. I'll be honest - I wish there were people DOING it with me. It would be so much easier if I never heard a believer around me complain, criticize, etc. Ya know what I mean? But overall, the challenge has become more of a lifestyle. There are days when I slip up and go, 'Oops. Missed that point in my challenge!' but overall, like I said, it really has become more of a lifestyle to guard my words. This challenge has really helped me in this. However, it is the amazing presence of my Papa & learning more about His heart that encourages me NOT to speak negatively.
I've been studying Grace lately. Man - grace is, well...amazing! We sing about it in services and funerals...heck, even unbelievers are moved to tears when they hear the tune! Amazing Grace! For those of us who have truly received saving grace, we have a much greater reason to sing! We should be basking in it, celebrating it, and sharing it with everyone we see. The problem is we don't really understand grace. Grace has been so abused by many believers. On one end of the 'abuse' spectrum you have the believers who use grace as a get out of jail free card, living however they want because 'they prayed a prayer' and 'now there's grace.' On the other end of the spectrum you find believers who believe grace was just enough to save you, but you better get to work now to please the Father because 'it's ONLY by grace you are saved'...believing grace is like a split second moment of kindness from God. In between these two extremes is all kinds of confusion, where many believers live just trying to find a balance.
What I've found grace to be is the 'empowering presence of God.' It is the very ability to LIVE holy, righteous, and blameless before God. It's a mysterious, glorious gift that God gives us freely through faith in Christ. Really, it's His Holy Spirit living in us, giving us ALL things that we need to live holy. We literally ARE EMPOWERED to live like Jesus. I am learning so much about grace, realizing how much I have to unlearn because of the abuse spectrum doctrine on grace. Many believers are confused about grace, even abusing grace, because they have not discovered the power of grace. It's no wonder that people within the body of Christ are critical, negative, speaking negatively and nit picking...they have NO IDEA the power they have been given! Out of the heart the mouth speaks (Mt 12:34), so if believers hearts are filled with fear, anger, and an overall lack of understanding of true grace, it's no wonder we speak such venom and despair. I speak, 'Grace! Grace!' to the body of Christ! Eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to receive the marvelous grace of God!
This week, I've found myself gently assisting a friend who tends to speak negatively (I say 'assisting' because 'correcting' just doesn't sound very gracious!). This week, when I caught my friend complaining about a persons flaws I suddenly found myself saying, 'give grace to that person.' I really think that this was a Holy Spirit revelation speaking through me. I didn't mean to say it but Pop! Out it came! But think about it- isn't that what we need to do in conversation and life in general? When someones faults effect our life it's easy to complain. But not one of us is without fault and we want others to show us grace when we fail. Shouldn't we give the same to others? "Well, that person is constantly lazy and late!' Shhh. Speak grace to that person. "Well, so and so makes me so angry and..." Shhh. Speak grace to that person.
If I am correct and grace really is the empowering presence of God, then there is nothing better you can speak over a person than grace. If they have a weakness, don't complain about it...speak GRACE to it! And when you are feeling yourself becoming annoyed and you want to complain, simply remember the amazing grace YOU'VE been shown in your own life. Aren't you glad that Father isn't up in heaven rolling his eyes at us when we lack character, looking at Jesus saying with disgust, 'Ugh. Desiree is always lacking in that area. She's so annoying!' No. I believe he's speaking, 'Grace, grace to you, daughter.' Why? Because the Word that was with God in the beginning, the One who's Words speak things into existence, truly understands the power of releasing blessing. The blessing of grace upon His Words empowers our hearts to live like Him.
Colossians 4:6 says, 'Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.'
I can have no better goal than that right there. If I make my aim to always speak with grace, then my aim is actually to be just like my Daddy...and that's a goal I've been given grace to achieve!
I've been studying Grace lately. Man - grace is, well...amazing! We sing about it in services and funerals...heck, even unbelievers are moved to tears when they hear the tune! Amazing Grace! For those of us who have truly received saving grace, we have a much greater reason to sing! We should be basking in it, celebrating it, and sharing it with everyone we see. The problem is we don't really understand grace. Grace has been so abused by many believers. On one end of the 'abuse' spectrum you have the believers who use grace as a get out of jail free card, living however they want because 'they prayed a prayer' and 'now there's grace.' On the other end of the spectrum you find believers who believe grace was just enough to save you, but you better get to work now to please the Father because 'it's ONLY by grace you are saved'...believing grace is like a split second moment of kindness from God. In between these two extremes is all kinds of confusion, where many believers live just trying to find a balance.
What I've found grace to be is the 'empowering presence of God.' It is the very ability to LIVE holy, righteous, and blameless before God. It's a mysterious, glorious gift that God gives us freely through faith in Christ. Really, it's His Holy Spirit living in us, giving us ALL things that we need to live holy. We literally ARE EMPOWERED to live like Jesus. I am learning so much about grace, realizing how much I have to unlearn because of the abuse spectrum doctrine on grace. Many believers are confused about grace, even abusing grace, because they have not discovered the power of grace. It's no wonder that people within the body of Christ are critical, negative, speaking negatively and nit picking...they have NO IDEA the power they have been given! Out of the heart the mouth speaks (Mt 12:34), so if believers hearts are filled with fear, anger, and an overall lack of understanding of true grace, it's no wonder we speak such venom and despair. I speak, 'Grace! Grace!' to the body of Christ! Eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to receive the marvelous grace of God!
This week, I've found myself gently assisting a friend who tends to speak negatively (I say 'assisting' because 'correcting' just doesn't sound very gracious!). This week, when I caught my friend complaining about a persons flaws I suddenly found myself saying, 'give grace to that person.' I really think that this was a Holy Spirit revelation speaking through me. I didn't mean to say it but Pop! Out it came! But think about it- isn't that what we need to do in conversation and life in general? When someones faults effect our life it's easy to complain. But not one of us is without fault and we want others to show us grace when we fail. Shouldn't we give the same to others? "Well, that person is constantly lazy and late!' Shhh. Speak grace to that person. "Well, so and so makes me so angry and..." Shhh. Speak grace to that person.
If I am correct and grace really is the empowering presence of God, then there is nothing better you can speak over a person than grace. If they have a weakness, don't complain about it...speak GRACE to it! And when you are feeling yourself becoming annoyed and you want to complain, simply remember the amazing grace YOU'VE been shown in your own life. Aren't you glad that Father isn't up in heaven rolling his eyes at us when we lack character, looking at Jesus saying with disgust, 'Ugh. Desiree is always lacking in that area. She's so annoying!' No. I believe he's speaking, 'Grace, grace to you, daughter.' Why? Because the Word that was with God in the beginning, the One who's Words speak things into existence, truly understands the power of releasing blessing. The blessing of grace upon His Words empowers our hearts to live like Him.
Colossians 4:6 says, 'Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.'
I can have no better goal than that right there. If I make my aim to always speak with grace, then my aim is actually to be just like my Daddy...and that's a goal I've been given grace to achieve!
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