This morning, I came across Psalm 11:4-5 - the eyelids of the Lord test the sons of men...He tests the righteous. I love the imagery here. I was drawn to think of Hebrews 12:6 which says the Lord disciplines His kids! The ones he loves. Then, I thought of Deut. 8:16 which says God humbled and tested the children of Israel 'for their good in the end.' It is good to be tested by God. I took some time to ask God about this in my journaling. Beyond the fact that God sees all, what does it mean to be 'tested by His eyes?'
Here are some things He spoke to me:
My eyes are the window to my Spirit, child. You are created in my image and your eyes reveal much about the clarity of your spirit. Eyes are the window to the soul, to the inner working of a man. So with you, it is with me. My eyes reveal my nature. Look at them and you will see kindness, love, fiery jealousy for your good. I am protector and father and this is seen in my gaze upon your life. I watch diligently over my children. My eyes of protection and zealous love are ever upon your life. I see all. I see down the road and I move you into protection. I am fiery in my love and protection of you. In this you can trust.
Yes, Lord. Thank you.
You are most welcome, child. You are always welcome to come before my eyes and to stare back at me.
I want to see them, Daddy! For now, teach me about being tested by your eyes.
Do you see my eyes looking at you?
Yes, Lord.
Stare into them.
I see me before your throne. My eyes are closed though…but waves of love are washing over me. I open them and Jesus now speaks and stands before me!
This love is from my eyes, which, is a window into my heart. I am love. I breathe love. My essence upon your life is love. Take my hand and walk with me. Over your life, in day to day, you walk with me and the whole time, my Father’s eyes are over your life. If you would but stop and stare….with the eyes of your heart…you would see the Father’s gaze and find these waves of love. This is part of staying connected to the vine, abiding in my love. It is stopping and staring back at your was created to stop and gaze at my Father’s eyes...if you stop and reflect on his gaze, stare back at him, you are connected heart to heart at the throne.
My eyes of love are ever upon you. My eyes test you. My love tests you, refines you. Testing is not a burdensome thing. If you stop and stare back at me…you will feel my love pulsating through you. Child, this is testing. It is simply getting your gaze off of yourself and onto my love. My love is the fire of purification. It will have its perfect work in you.
Lord, your word says let patience have its perfect work in you…although it is in context with trials.
Trials and testing are not always one in the same child. Look up the words. Trials are troubles not caused by my hands. Trials are the things that life brings usually because wickedness hates righteousness. It is a result of the fallen world and those who love darkness rather than light. Trials are not by my hand, however, I allow them in your life to work out what I’ve put in you through ‘testing’. Testing is the process of purifying you in my love and my word. If you have not been tested, it is harder for you to stand up during trials. Do you see? Testing is me weighing your heart one on one. It is you locking gaze with me and letting me look deep into you with my love. This often will bring out the impurities in you but in such a way that it does not 'kill' you. It is the love of the father. Only my eyes can judge you rightly and I will always judge you through the blood of my Son. You see, I can do heart surgery on you with the pure anesthetic of my love. You won’t feel a thing but love. (The understanding here, is that 99% of the time, you won’t even notice when you are being refined!)
It may, at times twinge, but that conviction is like the nerve endings in your body when you hurt yourself. They are there to alert you to the need. It’s the same thing with conviction. However, my love is strong. I want you to live in such a way that you can be moved by the glance of my eye, child. Yes. I want you to know my work in you and my love for you by simply gazing back at me. In this you are tested, refined and purified. Sitting at my feet is truly the better part. It is the smartest thing you can do….to gaze. To look. To breathe before me. This will prepare you for trials. Because then, when the heat of accusation or trouble comes, you know where to look J. You have been trained to throw your gaze up at me. This is how my Son was able to bear the cross. He was able to throw his gaze on me in the midst of such trouble and pain. Testing is purifying. Do not think that it is trial.
Okay J
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