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My Progress

So, holding your tongue, keeping it from criticism and complaint, etc. is a life long goal. That is something I am learning. In the beginning of this challenge, I was usually thinking about my conversation and choosing my words. That's how it really should be at all times. Now days, I find that I'm not thinking so much about it. On one hand, it has become more natural to guard my speech. That's good. But, on the other hand, I still catch myself blurting out something that was not edifying because I didn't pause to think about what I was saying.

Ya know, I should probably ask my husband his opinion of my speech. He really could judge me best. Just thinking.

I've been reading through Genesis and Exodus on my way to Revelation, asking God to show me his heartbeat. I really believe that having an understanding of God's emotions, his desires, his 'why' behind the 'what' that he performs, is a key to being filled with the knowledge of God. I could talk about that for a long time, but that's for another blog. Anyway, on my journey this morning, I came across a well known story in Exodus 16 - the children of Israel and the manna from heaven. Verse 2 says, "the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron...". Keep reading and Moses says in verse 7, "[God] hears your complaint against the LORD," and again in verse 8, "your complaints are not against us but against the LORD." When I read this, I felt that 'ouch' hit my heart. How many times have I complained against a leader? From government leaders to church leaders, I know I have opened my mouth in complaint. We always talk about the 'rebellious' children of Israel, looking down on them for their hard hearted behavior...but, well, I realized this morning, I'm much more like them than I'd like to admit.  And it all is tied to the tongue.

So, I asked the Lord while I was reading, "what if I have an honest complaint? Something that's not right?" His answer was simple: "Bring it to me." I was filled with the image of David writing his complaints in song to God. Talk about complaining in eloquence! :) David didn't have to complain to anyone around him because he had trained his soul to cry out to God. I may have an honest complaint against a leader - I should tell it to God and let him settle MY heart....and not even look for him to settle THEIR heart. Get what I'm saying? If He deals with the leader, that's between Him and the leader.

And what about our governmental leaders? Surely they are deserving of criticism? Well, once again the Lord spoke to me in simplicity: "what does my word say?" Peter said in 1 Peter 2:13-17, "Therefore submit yourselves to every institution of man for the Lord's sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. For this is the will of God...Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the King." Then, of course, is Paul's advice in Romans 13:1, "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." If they can say this while sitting under the rule of NERO, then come on! I can pray for and honor the leaders of my free and blessed nation. Any complaint I have I can give to the Lord. He will hear my voice. He is the Ruler of All.

So, my heart was pricked this morning. If God placed leaders in their position, then when I complain, I am not complaining against man but God. It really is that simple. AND, if my heart is heavy by a situation, I can bring it to the Lord and he will hear my complaint. So, Father - help me not to complain to anyone around me but to always bring it to you. Thanks, Lord!


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