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Psalm 17 Insights Part 2

In reading Psalm 17 yesterday, I could not escape verse 2...let my vindication come from Your Presence. As soon as I read the words, I sensed the Holy Spirit. I came back to it over and over while I read the Psalm. My first thought was, 'Wow! David is soooo bold!' But then my thoughts would be wrapped in the Presence and I knew there was more here for me. So, I did what I need to do more often - I journaled about it, taking it to God one on one.

I've posted that entry here below, but before you read it, let me say this: I know there is more here that I've yet to tap into. I believe this is a message for intercessors specifically. But more than that, it is a message for the hungry ones in the Kingdom. I'll add  few words at the end of this post to sum up some more thoughts I believe God is putting together for me. For now, enjoy the entry posted below:

Psalm 17:2 – Let my vindication come from Your presence…

There is something here for me today, Lord. I sense you on these words. By Your grace, I am all ears. What would you like to say to me about this verse?

Good morning, daughter. Good to see you.

Lol, Good morning, Father. My dad. I’m so glad I can call you that.

You can always come to me with your heart, your mind, your soul, your day, your desires, child. I am here for you. I am here for you more than the sun or moon, more than the rotation of the earth, more than seasons and time. Let all these things fail, I will still belong to you. I will never leave you alone. I am connected to you eternally.

I see that image again I’ve seen before…spirit to Spirit connection in my belly. I feel your smile. That’s all I need.

A smile says much, doesn’t it, daughter?? It reveals pleasure, love, acceptance, joy, satisfaction, assurance, delight. There is no mistaking it. When a pure heart smiles, it is a good day! It is a good release! There is much communication that comes from a smile. Child, I smile over my creation. It is always there upon my heart. No, I am not worried about the state of things upon the earth. I know how it all ends and my heart is settled in a constant smile, an attitude of assurance and delight. Even as my Son laid down his life for the joy set before him, I smile over my creation waiting for the day of redemption. Oh, remember this child. Let your heart and your mind, your face and your spirit, mimic me in my delight. Do not look to the left and to the right and grow weary in well doing. Yes, in your prayers of intercession, keep remembering that I am delighted to give you my kingdom. It is my good pleasure.

Wow. I see you with your head back in satisfaction when I ask for you kingdom to come on earth like it is where you are. Your head is back, smiling, eyes close...such contentment. Oh, how it brings you delight! I can see if, Father. Truly, I think my heart tends to think of you as weary of us….though I don’t mean to. Oh, God. How I need constant revelation of you.

There is such joy in answering my children, child. More than a human father or mother can know or experience. When my children ask, it is my good pleasure to respond. Yes, even now see me dancing.

I see the Father spinning, clouds of creation getting wrapped up in his dance…all because I asked for the kingdom. How you treasure me!

Selah. (In this moment, the image of God dancing, twirling, arms out stretched was so beautiful and intense. I pray it floods all of your hearts as you read!)

Lord, in pondering this, I think how some would see that as selfish on your part. That you get excited when you get what you in, when we ask for YOUR kingdom, it's 'all about You' to you. How would YOU answer that?

Child, I rejoice in knowing that when you ask for my heart, there is not greater answer, no greater solution, no greater remedy for the earth’s despair. It is for your good, the good of all creation that my children ask for my kingdom…for my kingdom is my heart. It is health to the bones, health to the creeks and streams and skies, health to the economic structures of mankind. Yes, it is health to the health care system, to the economy of your nation. When you ask for my heart, child, I rejoice because I know that rightness alone comes from my heart.

It makes me think of that old song 'Jesus is the Answer for the World today.'

Yes, but child, my people, my own bride has placated that song. It has become trite because my people have grown weary or they do not know my heart as they should. They do not see the victory that lies in me, not as they should. It’s as if my people live with a knowledge of me but not with a heart full of me. Child, there is a vast difference in knowing something with the head but not experiencing it with the heart. This is why David can say vengeance comes from MY PRESENCE. The world and all it holds will never be changed into my glory, yes, into my image, until my people understand the treasure and the worth of my presence.

Lord, I don’t want to be side tracked…but can you talk to me too about the world being created in your image?

Child, my name is on all of my creation. Every bit of it is made in the image of me. You are made in the image and the likeness of me. That’s the difference. But all things that I made REFLECT me because they are made in the image of me…glorious, marvelous, beautiful, fascinating. J

Oh, I like that, Lord!

Yes, I know it delights the heart! You are good to ponder creation and its worth, child. To take care of it is to take care of the things of my heart. The trap for my people is to not overreact to the world when they exalt that part of my heart above salvation and righteousness of the soul. But do not be angry at those who set their attention on this planet’s affairs. It is all they know. It is what they see with the naked eye and to them, it is the only reality, the only ‘today’. My people, yes you, are the ones who show them that there is a greater reality…but that is never to diminish the glory of this reality, the reality of the created world I put you in. This is why I can show you the stars in prayer and move your heart to action. Both worlds are mine. Both are yours. Both tell the story of me.

So good, Lord. And creation groans…waiting to be redeemed into your image…waiting for us to be revealed.

Yes. Truly it does.

Hmmm. Amazing. So vengeance comes from Your presence….I still feel your presence on this. :)I am seeing the image of you dancing…this is my vengeance. This is your response to ‘a just cause’.

Child, when I look down upon you from my throne of judgment and see the blood that covers you and makes you clean, I rejoice in triumph. I am constantly reminded of what I have accomplished! It makes me rejoice to see you. Ever time you come to me in the blood, I leap for joy. I am constantly reminded of the victory that my Son’s precious blood paid for! Imagine it like you seeing a child walk for the first time who never walked before. Then, every time you see them you are filled with joy, reminded of the glory that came upon them. Child, this is me with you. I will always stand amazed at what my work has accomplished.

It sounds weird, though, that you would be amazed at yourself. I mean…You are God!

Oh, child. How little you know the depths of my heart for you. J I am amazed that you chose me. Child, when so many reject my glory; I know that it is the perfect plan, I know that it is the answer for all mankind…still so many reject its work. When one of my children come to my throne with that glory upon them, accepting me as father…oh, my heart swoons! It is delight. (I see the image of me as a child running to the father, blood red covering my person somehow.)

You are amazed. J

You will never know the pain that came when man fell. There was nothing worse for me than to see my beloved creation separated from me. So, yes! I rejoice now that you are mine for eternity! I am amazed at this work and all it has accomplished. Not surprised, child…amazed. It is lovely to me. Wonderful to me…even as it is to you. For there can be no relationship without two hearts. It is wonderful to you AND to me.

J Ps 17:1-2
17 Hear a just cause, O Lord,
Attend to my cry;
Give ear to my prayer which is not from deceitful lips.
2 Let my vindication come from Your presence;
Let Your eyes look on the things that are upright.

Child, what you are tapping into here is the greater reality of approaching my throne for My presence alone. You may have a cause of justice. You may have a right decree. But when you tap into the power that comes from knowing I AM…Oh, child, victory is sure. Remember how I told you to come to me not as one who comes out of legal right…but as the one in whom I delight. This is the principle at work here. Daddy is on the scene. Not daddy’s resources…Daddy. My presence upon you is all you need. Keep returning to it alone. Do not get swept up into petition style thinking child. Even in your intercession for your nation, schools, trouble all around…do not separate your ‘just cause’ from ‘vindication coming from my presence.’ Tap into the presence. Yes, it may take you shutting your eyes and worshipping, singing, dancing before you ever ask for a thing. Oh, but victory is yours so much more when you do this child. For those who tap into the reality of my presence, victory will be more sure. There are plenty of people who love me and know my ways. Yes, they seek me and know my face to certain levels and degrees. But, they have come to think of my resources and not ME. Child, I AM. Do not be distracted by anything less than this. I AM the answer. I AM the solution. There is a stirring in my people, a select group, a remnant who are tapping into this reality. It will bring new levels of victory. They will gather together to pray for their nation, only to seek my Presence. They may not cry out for America for an hour, child…they may just soak, declare and praise…but when the glory  comes, all they will have to do is ask in simplicity of heart and I will give them the nation. There is a glory in the waiting. There is weight in that glory. Authority, as you have learned. Child, my people are about to learn how to fight with my presence. How to fight in the waiting. How to receive the weight and see victory like they’ve not know before. My presence is more than a weapon. It is air. It is breath. It is all. Learn to tap into this, child.

It’s kind of like REST, huh, Lord?

Yes, child. The rest of the warrior bride. J

Hmmm…I like that. Thank you for such a beautiful word....Just can’t get away from it. I’m getting this revelation even now…Jesus was vindicated to be who he said he was by Your presence on his life. His vindication came from Your presence!

You are learning, child! Yes, my Son didn’t have to go around asking. Look in the scriptures and see. He even said to the crowd at Lasarus’s resurrection that he was talking to me because of them. He tapped into the power of knowing Me. My presence. His quiet time was spent with ME. He got to know me and came to understand that all of my resources flow from my hand and I have given myself to him freely. This is the victory. Your eyes are beginning to see.

There’s still so much I don’t know about it, Lord…in walking like Jesus in Your presence.

It’s as you’ve said, child. Step by step, yes by yes, little by little, choice by choice. J You know the way. You do. Just believe and obey.

Yes, Lord J

There is still so much here! Listen intercessors and people of God, I belive that we are tapping into His presence like this verse says: vindication comes from His Presence. I believe that for so long our 'vindication' has come from seeing demonic strongholds broken, freedom to captives, etc. and please do not misunderstand...this is all valid and necessary. But what I'm feeling in my spirit is a new day dawning. I believe what God is speaking to me is that there is about to be less and less 'binding and rebuking'....and more and more PRESENCE. I guess what you can say tis his boils down to more authority...and this RICH authority that I believe we are stepping into, is the authority that comes not from legal right but from intimate encounter. Oh, God! Stir it up in our hearts!!! Vindicate us like You vindicated Your Son! Give us Your presence!


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