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Showing posts from June, 2012

A Deep Word on Humility

Okay, so I don't mean DEEP like you're thinking! :) I find that the most simplest of truths are deep in nature. But this one is both simple and deep. I was journaling about humility and I simply asked the Lord this: Do I have a humble spirit? What is humility, child? Well, I’d say it You: willing to take the low seat, to serve...but still so strong in character. It’s not weakness…it’s preferring others in true love, in serving them from the nature of the heart and not duty. You have answered well, child. And speaking of well…look at this well.( I see me and Jesus at a well! ) Its depths are truly deep, are they not? They are, Lord. I can see deep down into darkness. Now I see Jesus and me on a rope, descending deep inside the well with spelunking lights on our heads and flashlights and picks in our hands. Where are we going, Lord? I want to show you the depths of humility, child. It is linked into the heart of a man, in the well of the spirit. It ...

Appointed...not Disappointed

So I was praying and journaling with God today, asking him to show me any attitudes in me, whether good or bad, that effect me. The Lord began to show me that weariness can be an attitude that creeps up in me. Most ministers can heartily agree with me that weariness can suddenly hit you. The Lord showed me something, however, that really opened my eyes today:                                                                                                           ...