Here is a journal entry from my prayer time a few days ago. It is a glorious picture out of Ephesians 2:11-22; 4:1-16. It was an interesting word and one I pray that blessed those who read it. Enjoy!
May 18, 2011
Good morning, Holy one! I love you. Thank you so much for the song you keep implanting in me while I dream. I am longing for the new Jerusalem. I know you are building THIS house and the one that is to come. J I love you so much and ask that you give me grace upon grace to hear you speak this morning. Anything and everything you want to tell me, Spirit….I am open to receive.
I see me with him hand in hand. I want to marry you, Jesus. I don’t ever want to leave your side.
That’s the beauty of eternity, my love. You and I will be together forever. One body, one people, one bride. Unity is in my heart. You are learning to love and practicing unity for that day, child. But, yes…on that day there will be no distractions. Nothing will separate us what so ever. You and I will be one. Forever.
Is not this the cry of your creation’s heart? Oh, to be with you where you are forever and ever.
It is the cry from the garden. It is ringing out across the earth. The grass is crying out, the trees are crying out, the stars are crying out…and we will be one again. The garden is not some figment of imagination; it is not some fairy tale. It will dwell upon the earth again in full form. When my people begin to blossom and grow, letting their light shine forth, the day of dawning will be near. It is directly linked to the growth of my people, the growth in your heart, upon the earth. Yes, there will be a literal kingdom, a place where I set my actual authority of rule and government. You can relax in that, child. But, hear me. Today, the garden of God is with man. It is in them. The earth will flourish once again as my people proclaim my praises. Do not despise the day of small beginnings! This is why I say to honor even the small buds in your life. Your fruit matters in the grand scheme of things! Don’t you see? Every joint supplies! Every branch does its part in beautifying the earth. I will not have one person…but I will have one people. The mystery of the gospel, in part, is that the wall is down and the two become one man. Each of you, young and old, newcomer or long time ‘attendee,’ are called to blossom and grow the garden of God upon the earth. Yes. It is my Kingdom. My peace. The increase of my government and of my peace will know no bounds…no end…even from eternity to eternity, child. When you walk in peace, you build my kingdom. When you honor the little areas of growth in your life, you honor my kingdom. When you see kindness and fruits of my spirit in those around you, encourage them! Spur them on to good works! Why? Because you are advancing my kingdom! You are spreading the garden upon the earth.
Lord, you’ve been speaking to me a lot about ‘the beginning’ things. Adam, the garden, etc. Expound more, please.
You are awakening, my love. You are being stirred.
I see me, as Adam upon the ground like I’ve seen before. I see the winds of the sprit stirring, swirling above me. I know that this represents the body of Christ. My hands, my fingers are being stirred, my arms, to my shoulders.
This is the awakening, child. Yes, your hands are being stirred first. There is an anticipation growing, a movement of the hands of my people spreading across the globe. Action is awaking! Pulsating through my fingers and hands. The arm stretches the action out further. You can impact your world around you, but stretch it out further! Get beyond your limited reach. But you see, it is connected to the shoulder.
Something else I’ve been pondering, Lord because of my dream (I had an encounter in a dream months ago where 5 angels came around me while I slept and ministered to me. They were doing something to my shoulder. I literally woke up with my shoulder tingling from the experience. I’ve been pondering this significance.)
The shoulder is the seat of government. I carry it upon my shoulders. I am the governing head of all things. But I share my authority with my ambassadors, with my bride upon the earth, across the globe. You are working to bring the kingdom. You are spreading the foundation for it to rest upon all across the globe. Hence, the long arms. But right now, it is an awakening. The action of the hands, the giving of offerings, the ministry to the poor and the broken, yes the ministry to the 7 mountains, the praying for the sick…all of these things are beginning to stir in the hands of my body upon the earth. It is beginning to reach and move, like the arm and elbow. All of this movement is reaching to the shoulder. It is beginning to stir. It is causing my people to think about their authority. Their dominion! It is causing my people to question, ‘am I called to more? Am I doing all I am called to do?’ It is rousing my people’s shoulders. They will carry the weight of authority but it will not come as they expected it to come. No bully will gain authority. They will lose all authority. It will come to a humble yet exalted people. They must know who they are while serving all man.
Like you did in John, when you washed their feet! Love that verse!
Yes. Do you see the man now awake and standing?
Yes, Lord! This is the day that is coming!?
A new day is coming. I will have one man upon the earth. One body that fits my head, as you have heard! See the resolution on the face. The determination in their brow.
He’s not clothed. (He is naked!)
I will clothe him. I do not want you to dress yourself. I will clothe my people in my righteousness. See that this man is not worried about what to wear. He is not ashamed of his nakedness as Adam was when he fell.
There is no shame in this new man.
Ah! Adam was clothed in the glory of God!!! Yes, Lord! As we will be! I see him just receiving from you a new garment, yet he never takes his eye off of the goal ahead. He just turns his hands to you and receives a mantle upon his shoulders, that fall down to his feet, then ties up his waist still with that look set upon his face…like flint…looking towards the horizon. Wow. I just saw him take a hat for his head, I see flashes of both a crown and a simple cap. I am seeing flashes of his whole outfit! Once it is simple sackcloth, like a pauper would wear. And then, it is a royal, priestly…kingly garment with sword in hand! Wow! Are both needed? Like in Rick Joyner’s book (The Final Quest)? Or is one being replaced with the other?
Notice that the man’s face does not change, no matter what he is clothed in. His goal is still set before him.
Which is what, Lord? To win souls? To go after you?
Hear it with me ,child: The prize that is set before you- to lay hold of that which Christ Jesus laid hold of me. The author and the finisher of my faith. The high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Pressing on. (all verse from the bible)
Give me wisdom, God. I see people pressing towards a mark, and they are caught up into the air. When they reach their mark, they are immediately pulled into the air! This is their HIGH calling? Wow! Now it’s like they are walking on air above the plain of the earth. It’s a better view. I see this ‘new’ man, on a horse, looking over the earth, sword drawn, looking to and fro. It reminds me of you, Jesus. The description of you in the word. Yet, I know this is the man that I saw awakened.
I am not afraid to share my glory with you. Yes, I will not share my glory with another…no idol, no false god, no pride of men built upon proud hearts. But, it is my delight to clothe you in the full glory that I had with my father since the beginning. I return that which is yours by right of being the highly exalted creation of God. My people are learning to walk in their authority, which comes as kingly garments. But they are also learning to walk in humility and ashes. See, no matter what they are wearing, they are pressing on towards the goal. When my people set their face for the high calling, if they are resolute that no matter the position they are called to in the moment, whether service, whether authority, whether hunger or pain or feast, they will not be moved. They are determined.
But what is the goal, Lord?
To see my Kingdom come. They know that they are advancing my authority. It means taking in the harvest of souls, destroying the work of the enemy. But their eyes will not be on the duty…it will be on the high calling of God in me. They will set their eyes on me. They will live as I have called each to live, according to their call and their destiny. You are not called to walk like another. You are called individually to fulfill the whole. Each fruit is different but every joint supplies. My people will learn new positions of authority. They will find their calling and not squabble about it in the process. They will see their destiny and seize it. They will see it in me.
I see this man on the ground, walking towards his destiny which is his high calling. I see the sun shining on the horizon, and within the sun I see Jesus. It’s radiating from him. The destiny for each man lies with in the Son (sun). There is a generation rising who will be able to go after their destiny/calling without losing sight of the Son! Wow!
When my people reach that point, they will all be caught up to ride together in the clouds. ...before I return, they will sit in the heavenly places and see strategies and plans from a far off. They will look over entire regions and receive guidance and ideas form heaven. Why?
To advance your kingdom!
Yes! A new day is dawning! A new man is awakening! One man! One bride! One people! They will ride upon the winds, on the highways of heaven looking down upon the earth. They will prepare it for my coming!
Even so, Lord! Come!
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