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Meekness in my Mouth: a Word from God

Journal Application on Meekness

What do you see of meekness in me, Master? What fruit? What process? Oh, Lord…give me eyes to see and ears to hear. I present them both to you to fill now.

It is meekness to present your eyes and ears to me, child, for in so doing you are admitting that you cannot see or hear apart from me. On your own, you are admitting that you will fail to see and fail to hear what I say.

Yes, Lord. It feels more like desperation! J

Come with me and see, child. (I see Jesus taking me by the hand he is leading me to waters. I see myself being baptized in them.) Meekness is like these waters, child. You step in and they cover you and cleanse you. What you were when you came in is no more. You were dry, now you are wet. One state is taken over by another. Apart from water, you cannot be wet can you?

Lol, I guess not, Lord.

You need an outside source to do it. The water covers you and takes what was dry and makes it moist, wet, drenching…depending on how deep you go into the water.

This is like meekness…how far am I willing to go? Oh, Lord I see! You desire my heart to be fully immersed in these waters. But it is my choice how I yield to the stream. Come, have your way in me. Baptize me, swallow me in meekness, Holy One! Lord, how can I choose this more? How can I seek out humility and meekness?

By keeping your eyes on me. I know I am telling you this over and over but do not doubt my voice. I am in the meekness. I am in the humility, child. Every little action you do in love and service is me. I am moving through you. You must yield to me in you, respond to me in you.  I am the treasure stored up inside of you. Meekness comes as you yield to my heart in you. It is always easy when you chose to follow my lead. I will lead you in the way of humility always, child. If you see yourself going down the path of self assertion, know that you are not following my lead. If you see yourself speaking out of turn, like you did yesterday, stop and see that you are not following my lead. I won’t be far ahead of you, but turn around and see, that the next step will be you taking my hand on the right journey again. I will always lead you to push others first, to stride to do rightly, to justify the weak around you, not in their sin, but in their exaltation to greatness. Your words carry weight. They carry power. You have done well in your challenge that I set before you. Yes, I set it before you. You can tell the difference it makes in your life when you choose to restrain your words. You can feel the sting of regret when you do not choose your words. It all comes back to guarding your words in humility, child. I will guide you in this as you keep your eyes on me. It sounds so simple to your ears, but I tell you the true Christian walk is not complicated, child. It is easy in that it is one step at a time, one act of obedience and love, trusting in me, that I’m leading you in the right direction. It is not hard to take one step is it? No! It is not hard. It is easy. This is the walk of faith. Knowing that every step is leading you to the great journey of faith ever increasing, ever growing like the sun in righteous display. When you chose my way, you chose humility. You chose meekness. I display meekness in you in every little thing you do, as you yield to me.

Lord, I am still stung by what I said yesterday, even though I asked for forgiveness. Is there anything you want to show me here? I don’t want to write it off if there is a greater lesson to learn.

You are wise to ask, my child. You see, meekness in words is a powerful tool. You have no idea yet how your words echo in eternity. When you chose to encourage it is meekness. Especially when you encourage the little ones, the weak ones around you. You are remembering the time you tried to encourage two students. Yet you worried that it would be taken wrong and wasn’t loving enough. Listen, child. This is the way of meekness. You can speak the truth in love. Yesterday, you did not.  You did not speak truth in love. Truth? Yes. Love? No. That is the marked difference in speaking in meekness. Truth comes forth in meekness…but always and only in love.

I see the difference, Lord. One was born out of meekness…the best interest of others…while the other wasn’t. It was just born out of blah! Opinion and a mind focused on myself. Lord, still, I fear that in me is such a lack of meekness in my personality.

Child, I will cultivate that which you yield to me. I promise to; remember. Present your whole body to me as a living sacrifice and I will come and fill you up, body, soul and spirit man, risen to new life in me. I will resurrect the good things in you and only the good. I will work on the imperfections that you see. I am the good vinedresser. I am tending the soil of your heart. You work on what I tell you to work on. If you start by fixing your eyes on me and speaking truth in love, pushing others first, propelling them forward in love, then all the things you see as faults in your personality will be worked out by my love and in my time. Advancement is coming, sister. Trust me in that. Advancement in the kingdom is coming for you. You, just listen and obey in the little things. I promise a better day is coming. Brighter things are rising. You will see the glory of the Son rising upon you as you dream. Dare to dream daughter. Keep dreaming. But know this…every step of obedience takes you to the next journey. I said step by step for a reason. It is faith by faith and glory to glory. Trust me to teach you and lead you into all truth. Take the next step of obedience. Speak truth in love and keep your eyes on me. This will birth meekness and obedience and greater glory for my son.

Amen! I receive it, Lord!


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