Well, Christmas time has caused me to be very busy. Alas, I have been away from my computer...but not from my challenge! I've been doing well in guarding my mouth, overall. However, there have been a couple of occasions over this holiday where I have paused to think about what I'm saying. Yep...I have found myself in repentance. Once, I was explaining to someone how a certain person was not the most fun to hang around. I wasn't being mean...I was dipping it in sugar and explaining how I loved them and how they were a great person...but just boring. When I was through giving my opinion, the person I was talking to said, 'Well...I hope you don't talk about me that way when I'm not around." OUCH!!! And touche! Good point, there, friend. I also found myself sharing something with someone that wasn't necessary to share. As soon as I opened my mouth I knew I had trapped myself in sin. Not gonna sugar coat it. I shouldn't have done it and it sure wasn...