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Showing posts from 2010


Well, Christmas time has caused me to be very busy. Alas, I have been away from my computer...but not from my challenge! I've been doing well in guarding my mouth, overall. However, there have been a couple of occasions over this holiday where I have paused to think about what I'm saying. Yep...I have found myself in repentance. Once, I was explaining to someone how a certain person was not the most fun to hang around. I wasn't being mean...I was dipping it in sugar and explaining how I loved them and how they were a great person...but just boring. When I was through giving my opinion, the person I was talking to said, 'Well...I hope you don't talk about me that way when I'm not around." OUCH!!! And touche! Good point, there, friend. I also found myself sharing something with someone that wasn't necessary to share. As soon as I opened my mouth I knew I had trapped myself in sin. Not gonna sugar coat it. I shouldn't have done it and it sure wasn...

Day 7

I thought about sharing something with my husband this morning...but paused to think about if it was really necessary to share. I really think that sometimes I tend to share things with him that I wouldn't share with other people. I know this may sound like a stupid, obvious statement...I mean, he's my husband! Of course I share things with him that I wouldn't share with other people! But, do I sometimes share opinions with him that really don't need to be shared? Do I feel more comfortable releasing negative or just plain pointless comments and opinions into our home's atmosphere because it's just 'us'? I am guilty. I don't think Jesus is going, "Yeah, go ahead and tell Geoff what you really thought about that person. He's just your husband." No. The point of the KINGDOM life is to have my heart changed so that no matter who I'm husband or a total heart is always positioned to speak blessing. Father, I pr...

Day 2

December 10, 2010 Well, I have not had a lot of opportunity to talk to people the last couple days. There is one thing I will make a record of. While driving with my husband today, something on the radio reminded me of a conversation I had with someone earlier in the week. Ya know how the mind bunny trails? Well, that's what happened to me. I started thinking about the conversation and how one tiny little irritant was found in it. My first temptation was to share it with my husband. It would have been one of those, "ya know when so and so said such and such? Can you believe they said that?" moments, where he most likely would have responded with an 'I know! That was nuts,' kinda response and on we'd go as if nothing happened. Well, I chose to obey the Spirit's leading...and kept my mouth shut. Would sharing it build up that person? No. Was it necessary to talk about it? No. Soooo...I weighed it...then obeyed. I found a quote by Mike Bickle that I...

Day 1 of the Challenge: let the Silence begin!

December 8, 2010 Well, folks...I am starting a journal/blog about monitoring my mouth. I thought about doing this a few weeks ago, then, after the Holy Spirit brought some conviction to me today…about something that I said that I didn’t even realize was grieving to Him...I decided to jump in. I prayed about it & the Lord told me to get serious in my fight with my mouth. What better way than to start a blog, I thought. So, today I will begin to journal my progress on keeping watch over my mouth. I'm trying to get some friends on board to keep watch with me. My goal is that in a years time, my friends will see a vast difference in the outflow of my mouth; that my speech will drip with edifying Presence; that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart will be pleasing to God (Ps 19:14) at all times. Holy Spirit, you are my source. Your words are pure. They are Spirit and they are life. I begin my steps today by declaring I desire the same: only pure, life-filled words...