I don't usually just sit and write out my ponderings...at least not like this. Still here I am.
My heart is somewhere in a place it's been before. It's that place of feeling different. I am different from people around me. Sometimes, I feel like an odd ball. Sometimes, I feel like a square peg in a round hole. But more and more, I'm finding that...well....I'm growing to be more than fine with it. Different is good.
Of course every Christian is called to be different from the world around them. This is simply stating the obvious. But where I often feel different is among my fellow believers. And frankly, this is what makes me stop and ponder tonight. Am I really that different? I honestly ask myself that when I'm praying. No joke. My answer is, No - I know I'm not. I know that Christianity is anything but normal. And heck! There are people I admire who are walking in levels of devotion I have not come close to walking in! Still, I am taken back when so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ don't feel like I feel. Hear me on this - I'm not saying that everyone has to be just like me, as if I've got it all figured out. That's not it at all. I'm simply saying, why do I appear to be the prude around others whom I love in the Body of Christ? It seems so basic to me: there are certain things in entertainment that are not beneficial for my walk. I didn't say that they were even 'sinful'...just not beneficial.
Now I know this is a slippery slope where people can judge each other based upon their own 'convictions' and discernment....legalism becomes a ditch on one side of the road and liberalism on the other. Trust me. I know this quite well. But, aren't some things black and white or has everything become a shade of gray? Even while pondering this tonight I thought, 'well, to the pure all things are pure (Titus 2:15)' so a believer can watch a program full of blatant unrighteousness because we are pure and ALL things are pure to the pure? On one hand I say, sure...my purity is based upon the blood of Jesus to cleanse me. He alone is my righteousness. I can read through a story that has muck and mire and glean from it. I'm not a prude in that regard. I know there are some people who feel like fairy tales shouldn't be read to their children because of the references to magic, fairies and witches. That may be some believers, but that's not me. That I 'do or do not watch' a TV show has nothing to do with what saves me. But what about on the other hand? Even while pondering this passage in Titus, my mind jumped to Phil. 4:8 - whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely....think on these things. Can I say that entertainment that is dark, full of sexuality, occultic, atheistic, and the like line up with this list? I mean...isn't this BASIC?
Titus says more in that little book than simply 'to the pure all things are pure.' It says in the same verse that people's 'minds and consciences are defiled.' Hmmmm....It says in the next chapter that the grace of God teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts; to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present age...looking to Jesus who redeemed us from every lawless deed and purified us to be His own special people, zealous for good works (2:11-14). And wow...he also says in chapter 3 that 'those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works,' and 'to learn to maintain good works...that we may not be unfruitful' (3:8, 14). Now I know some people may not think of their entertainment choices as good works and I can see that argument. But, oh!!! The power of purity in the heart, mind, eye gate, and ear gate! Oh the purity that comes in walking with Jesus so close that nothing can compare to him! Whether that entertainment stuff is 'sin' or just 'unbeneficial'...it doesn't compare and it's not worth it! His love is better than all of that! THAT'S why my heart is pondering all of this! I believe that His people just have not had a revelation of His worth. That song/show/program/book....even if it has the SLIGHTEST chance of barely twitching my Beloved's heart...it's not worth it. It really, seriously...all comes down...to Love.
So, yeah. I desire his bride to see the beauty of Jesus more and more; to know that nothing compares to him. That stuff? It's just. Not. Worth it. I'm not scared it's sending me to hell. No. I simply want to be closer to and more like Jesus and that stuff doesn't look like Him at all. If I'm gonna raise the dead, I want to be entertained by the one who is so fascinating in form and holiness far more than I am from a show about 'the living dead.'
Someone...come be different with me.
My heart is somewhere in a place it's been before. It's that place of feeling different. I am different from people around me. Sometimes, I feel like an odd ball. Sometimes, I feel like a square peg in a round hole. But more and more, I'm finding that...well....I'm growing to be more than fine with it. Different is good.
Of course every Christian is called to be different from the world around them. This is simply stating the obvious. But where I often feel different is among my fellow believers. And frankly, this is what makes me stop and ponder tonight. Am I really that different? I honestly ask myself that when I'm praying. No joke. My answer is, No - I know I'm not. I know that Christianity is anything but normal. And heck! There are people I admire who are walking in levels of devotion I have not come close to walking in! Still, I am taken back when so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ don't feel like I feel. Hear me on this - I'm not saying that everyone has to be just like me, as if I've got it all figured out. That's not it at all. I'm simply saying, why do I appear to be the prude around others whom I love in the Body of Christ? It seems so basic to me: there are certain things in entertainment that are not beneficial for my walk. I didn't say that they were even 'sinful'...just not beneficial.
Now I know this is a slippery slope where people can judge each other based upon their own 'convictions' and discernment....legalism becomes a ditch on one side of the road and liberalism on the other. Trust me. I know this quite well. But, aren't some things black and white or has everything become a shade of gray? Even while pondering this tonight I thought, 'well, to the pure all things are pure (Titus 2:15)' so a believer can watch a program full of blatant unrighteousness because we are pure and ALL things are pure to the pure? On one hand I say, sure...my purity is based upon the blood of Jesus to cleanse me. He alone is my righteousness. I can read through a story that has muck and mire and glean from it. I'm not a prude in that regard. I know there are some people who feel like fairy tales shouldn't be read to their children because of the references to magic, fairies and witches. That may be some believers, but that's not me. That I 'do or do not watch' a TV show has nothing to do with what saves me. But what about on the other hand? Even while pondering this passage in Titus, my mind jumped to Phil. 4:8 - whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely....think on these things. Can I say that entertainment that is dark, full of sexuality, occultic, atheistic, and the like line up with this list? I mean...isn't this BASIC?
Titus says more in that little book than simply 'to the pure all things are pure.' It says in the same verse that people's 'minds and consciences are defiled.' Hmmmm....It says in the next chapter that the grace of God teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts; to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present age...looking to Jesus who redeemed us from every lawless deed and purified us to be His own special people, zealous for good works (2:11-14). And wow...he also says in chapter 3 that 'those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works,' and 'to learn to maintain good works...that we may not be unfruitful' (3:8, 14). Now I know some people may not think of their entertainment choices as good works and I can see that argument. But, oh!!! The power of purity in the heart, mind, eye gate, and ear gate! Oh the purity that comes in walking with Jesus so close that nothing can compare to him! Whether that entertainment stuff is 'sin' or just 'unbeneficial'...it doesn't compare and it's not worth it! His love is better than all of that! THAT'S why my heart is pondering all of this! I believe that His people just have not had a revelation of His worth. That song/show/program/book....even if it has the SLIGHTEST chance of barely twitching my Beloved's heart...it's not worth it. It really, seriously...all comes down...to Love.
So, yeah. I desire his bride to see the beauty of Jesus more and more; to know that nothing compares to him. That stuff? It's just. Not. Worth it. I'm not scared it's sending me to hell. No. I simply want to be closer to and more like Jesus and that stuff doesn't look like Him at all. If I'm gonna raise the dead, I want to be entertained by the one who is so fascinating in form and holiness far more than I am from a show about 'the living dead.'
Someone...come be different with me.
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