Come - Out of your barrenness and into full life. Out of your poverty and into supply. For the thirsty there is water that never will run dry. For the poor there is a treasure room without a lock or price. All your fruitless searches and all your efforts failed will find full satisfaction when you rest behind the Veil. Why do you run and fritter on what cannot satisfy? Listen now and eat what's good - My words will feed your life. Yes, listen and believe Me. Oh, hear My words and live! Feast on every promise for abundance they will give! A season is now coming-a grace upon your ear. An inclining to My Spirit, a grace for you to hear. Grace for you to hear Me. Inclining now begins. My Spirit is now calling and you shall hear, My friend. A new day is now dawning; there's a'blowing in the wind. My Spirit breeze will move you to where you've never been. My promise is unfolding, though now hidden from your eyes. Trust me and believe that I will ...