I am doing well on my challenge. It's amazing how when you present your weakness to God, he fills it with Himself. He loves my weakness...my weakness presented to Him. I am reminded of that even this week. Whey do we hide our weakness? We are ashamed of it, so we hide it or try to cover it up with our own efforts. But God does not run from our weakness...he waits for them to be given to him. Like a child who has broken something...I can go to Daddy and give it to him to fix and take care of. God loves everything about me. He even loves the weak parts of me as I yield to them. If I don't yield them, however, it just becomes stubborness! Oh, for a heart that will trust you, Father, always enough to give you even my weakness...even my MESS...and run to you! Thank you God, that you fill me up with YOU! This is grace!