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Showing posts from March, 2011


I am doing well on my challenge. It's amazing how when you present your weakness to God, he fills it with Himself. He loves my weakness presented to Him. I am reminded of that even this week. Whey do we hide our weakness? We are ashamed of it, so we hide it or try to cover it up with our own efforts. But God does not run from our weakness...he waits for them to be given to him. Like a child who has broken something...I can go to Daddy and give it to him to fix and take care of. God loves everything about me. He even loves the weak parts of me as I yield to them. If I don't yield them, however, it just becomes stubborness! Oh, for a heart that will trust you, Father, always enough to give you even my weakness...even my MESS...and run to you! Thank you God, that you fill me up with YOU! This is grace!

Meekness in my Mouth: a Word from God

Journal Application on Meekness What do you see of meekness in me, Master? What fruit? What process? Oh, Lord…give me eyes to see and ears to hear. I present them both to you to fill now. It is meekness to present your eyes and ears to me, child, for in so doing you are admitting that you cannot see or hear apart from me. On your own, you are admitting that you will fail to see and fail to hear what I say. Yes, Lord. It feels more like desperation! J Come with me and see, child. (I see Jesus taking me by the hand he is leading me to waters. I see myself being baptized in them.) Meekness is like these waters, child. You step in and they cover you and cleanse you. What you were when you came in is no more. You were dry, now you are wet. One state is taken over by another. Apart from water, you cannot be wet can you? Lol, I guess not, Lord. You need an outside source to do it. The water covers you and takes what was dry and makes it moist, wet, drenching…depending on how deep you go...

Keeping Praise in My Mouth

Well, for all who are following my progress....sorry it's been a while since I've posted. And, as for the progress...well, I'm still in...progress. I noticed something this week: I haven't been speaking ill of people or being critical or complaining (well, I have a little), but the Lord showed me where I have faltered with my speech - I have not kept blessing and praise in my mouth. This is something he told me in an entry quite a while ago: Keep your mouth filled with good things! The life that is led by the Spirit is one whose tongue is led by the Spirit, filled with the Spirit, and graced by the Spirit. It really is amazing how much better my outlook and attitude becomes when I just stop and praise. There is a vast difference between guarding my mouth and yielding my mouth to His Spirit. One is more soul based and the other is Spirit based. I need grace, not to just guard my speech...but to yield to the One inside of me whose words are Spirit and Life. Even so, L...