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The Beauty of Mercy

Here is my prayer journal from this morning. It's a word about mercy that blessed me. I pray is blesses all who read!

Lord, I am captured by the word ‘mercies’ today. It’s come up a couple times: Father of mercies…I am crowned with tender mercies…just the thought makes me smile, God! Thank you. Thank you for mercies. I know there are depths to mercy that I have not even begun to SEE let alone understand. Is there anything you can tell me about your mercies this morning? I wait for you J

I do adorn you child with mercies. I decorate my bride with my purest gold. I feed her on my finest wines and portions. I spare no expense for the one my soul delights in, the one my heart yearns for. Above it all is the crown of mercies and loving kindness. Of course, you cannot separate my loving kindness from my tender mercies. I am the Father of mercies. From me, all mercy springs forth. Even shadows of mercy upon the earth were born in the chambers of my heart. Every time mankind shows mercy it is a shadow of the great Mercy Giver and his nature. Even the lost at times will show mercy. They know it is right to do and when they do it, they too reflect a glory that is found in me. Do not be surprised by this. It is not only the redeemed who reflect me. Creation is not redeemed but it reflects my glory. Man is my glory. The very form and nature of man is glory and reflects who I am. But, it is the redeemed who experience my glory first hand, who walk in it and sit under it’s shade; who find it EVER PRESENT in their being, fully glowing and shining like the stars or moon or sun. There is a vast difference…but my mercies invite all to enter into it. And, my mercies give the little reflections of me into the daily    activities of even the lost. The little choices of mercy and love are reflections of who I am. It is my mercy that shines forth even through the lost when they show mercy to another.

Wow. We could learn a lot from that. It even seems at times, we could learn a lot from the lost! When they chose mercy! I know this isn’t the way it should be.

You must keep your eyes on my son. There is a goldenness around him. You are called to look at Him. He is the express image of my mercy. He is mercy spelled out upon the earth. In every language and tongue, mercy is spelled out in the name of Jesus. It shines. It glows. It summons all to come to the waters and drink deeply. It goes forth in power for mercy is not weak. Mercy is the boldest, most glorious choice a man can make. It is taking the very nature of God, the very nature of my Son upon them and choosing to walk in divine order. It, too, causes my people to glow…that ‘goldenness’ that you are pondering.

Yes, Papa. You said a goldenness is around him (Jesus). It makes me think of the bronze feet…like the glow is gold in color.

Mercies. Mercies surround me. Mercies pour forth from my Son. My mouth speaks mercies. My tongue declares mercies. My song over you is mercy upon mercy. The very essence of my kingdom is founded upon mercy. Think, long before mankind walked the earth, I was moving upon the waters and bringing forth life. This is mercy. You are wondering how this is mercy, child. I will show you.

(I see myself being carried by the wind of the spirit over a beautiful world, over fields and valleys. Man has not been created, but the Spirit is carrying me over creation showing me his beautiful world.) Oh! Your mercies are over all your creation! I see it, Lord! But, still explain it better, please?

Do not think of mercy as simply offering peace and forgiveness when it is undeserved. That is a glimmer of mercy…a glimpse at its beauty. Mercy is much more. Mercy is love. Mercy is giving life. Life birthed out of love is mercy.


Life birthed out of love….not just a desire to make things right when they are wrong. But mercy is the very well spring of my heart to bring forth life to a dying creation…or even to an unborn creation. It is love that brought you forth. In love you were created. In love you were conceived. You see, I saw you in my heart. I dreamed of you in my heart long before you walked the earth. In my mercy, I knew you needed to come forth. You, my little dream, had to come forth. So, what did I do? I gave birth to my dream. I said because I love the dream of my heart, I must give life to it. It is my mercy that sees things that are not and causes them to come forth. It is mercy to see a need and then fill it with life. It is mercy to give a cup of cold water to one little one. It is mercy to give your time and your talents to those who are young around you. They may not have a great need that you see, but if your dream is to give them a chance t to grow and learn, then when you give birth to that dream through your actions of love and time, you are showing mercy. Do you see, daughter, o beautiful child?

Yes, God. And I am moved to tears. I am your dream.

Oh, yes, my dear. I did all of this for you…not just for me. When I created the world I longed for it, yes. But I made it to be shared. I knew we would both desire it together. Mercy sees beyond self. Mercy sees the betterment of all around them. Remember, do not just think of mercy as the betterment of a wrong.  It is so much more than that. Mercies are new every morning not because you are so weak that you need more forgiveness….but as the sun rises, so does my heart over this people, over this world. You awaken…and so does my morning song! I never stop singing over you or showing you mercy. However, when you wake up, we can spend time together, face to face…yes! I am excited! You are awake! My mercies are brand new! They are as new as a sunrise. They are as new as a brand new day. I am so excited to share my love and my life. I show mercy in that I am giving you love and life new every day. Satan wants to twist this (that his ‘mercies are new every day’) into being a sense of me giving you life “MERCIFULLY”, as if I could snuff you out in a heartbeat and it’s only my “mercies” that keep you living. That is a warped perception, child. I do not think like that. I do not work like that. I give mercies abundantly because I give life abundantly! See?

Oh, yes God! Help me rid this idea of mercy! I want your idea alone!

Mercy triumphs. It roars a victory song. It is stronger than the grave. It is stronger than death. It is stronger than your sin. In this, I war over Satan. that you are a brand new creation through my never ending mercies. But, in this I also war…that I love you. My love is fierce. My love confuses the enemy. If he can warp your idea of my love, then he gets a foothold in my body. You, however, will not give him a foothold, child. You are standing in my love. By even asking me about mercy, you are learning more about my love.

Yes, Father. “Love is the key that sets the captive free”. I still see me moving over creation with you. I sense your heart.

What is it saying, child?

Well, as we stand here looking over creation, I see that you are glad. I see you saying ‘this is so good’. There is a smile on your face, a living smile that pulsates from you. You are smiling over what you made.

Yes. Because it was my dream and I brought it forth. And because I know tat you will share it with me! Oh, for my dreams to be shared and enjoyed! It is mercy to bring forth your dreams. How selfish to sit on a good idea, to sit on the dream of your heart and never give it life. That is not love! That is not mercy. Dreams are put there to soar. Yes, child, even in you. Do not let fear crush your dream. Mercy…my mercy in you casts out all fear. You are thinking, “Wait, I thought that was love that casts out fear.” But remember, love and mercy are the sisters child: inseparable, connected together. You really cannot separate one from the other. Love without mercy isn’t love. And mercy without love isn’t mercy. They cannot exist without the other. It’s like having a brain without having a heart. The two work together to bring life.

Wow. I like mercies! J

And mercy likes you! Yes, daughter, I like you! I enjoy you! Why? Because I dreamed you into existence!

I like that, papa!

You are mine, child. I called you by name…and I like you. I like everything about you. I see in you my Son. I created you to be filled with my glory and I see it in you. I like your personality. I like what’s being formed in you. I just like you!

Thanks God! I think we forget that sometimes. Thank you for this love and acceptance.

Enjoy my mercies today. I love you forever, child. You are my forever love.                       



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