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Showing posts from February, 2011

Reaping What You Sow

I spent some time in repentance again yesterday...because of my mouth. Will I ever conquer this evil member? Lord, help me RETAIN and ACT on what you've taught me! As I was thinking about how I opened my mouth when I shouldn't have, I suddenly realized that I can never complain if anyone ever says anything about me that is hurtful, untrue, or just not necessary. Why? Because I reap what I sow! I mean, think about can I complain that someone gossips about me if I've sown to the flesh in gossip? How fickle a creation I am. How often am I like a spoiled child who desires everyone to love her...but who doesn't love in return? Sigh.... Praise God that he is working in me both to will and to do according to His good pleasure. He is able to keep me from stumbling. I've just got to keep my mouth shut when certain conversations come up. Ack! It happens in the church and I am guilty for participating: "So and so is really having a hard time..." and t...

Update on My Challenge

Well, I have not commented about the progress of my Psalm 17:3 challenge lately. It's been going well. I can confidently say that putting this challenge 'out there' has helped me think more about my words. Because it's public knowledge, it keeps it at the forefront of my mind. That may sound silly, but I encourage anyone to try it. If you are wanting to grow in any area (diet, conversation, etc), try doing a blog! It's helped me a lot. I have kept my mind more focused on the power of my words. It is getting easier. I still get caught in a snare when I talk to a few certain individuals. However, it's good for me. I have to bite my tongue and not comment or direct the conversation in another way, etc. How many times did this exact thing happen to Jesus? Pharisee number 1: "Hey, Jesus...let me catch you in a snare here..." Jesus would reply, "My words are life. Not gonna happen." Pharisee number 2: "Okay, then, Jesus. Let me twist your wo...

The Beauty of Mercy

Here is my prayer journal from this morning. It's a word about mercy that blessed me. I pray is blesses all who read! Lord, I am captured by the word ‘mercies’ today. It’s come up a couple times: Father of mercies…I am crowned with tender mercies…just the thought makes me smile, God! Thank you. Thank you for mercies. I know there are depths to mercy that I have not even begun to SEE let alone understand. Is there anything you can tell me about your mercies this morning? I wait for you J I do adorn you child with mercies. I decorate my bride with my purest gold. I feed her on my finest wines and portions. I spare no expense for the one my soul delights in, the one my heart yearns for. Above it all is the crown of mercies and loving kindness. Of course, you cannot separate my loving kindness from my tender mercies. I am the Father of mercies. From me, all mercy springs forth. Even shadows of mercy upon the earth were born in the chambers of my heart. Every time mankind shows merc...

Merely Human?

I've been avoiding blogging....because I've been doing well on my challenge. Think about it: how do I post on here, "Wow! I'm doing well at guarding my tongue!" just sounds like a contradiction in some ways...because tongue is boasting!!! :) In all seriousness, I do find that this challenge has helped me in thinking before I speak. Oh, can't you just imagine what it will be like to think and speak like Jesus!? Glorious! That's my hearts cry. Yesterday, I was driving in my car, thinking about critical speech. While passing the bank, the Holy Spirit dropped this thought in my heart: any ol' person can criticize...but it takes someone special to speak blessing. Hmmmmm....for someone to see the worst in a situation takes no great ability. In order to see the worst and speak it, you just have to be human. So, whooptie do. Why would anyone cheer over that? "Hey, look! I did something that's completely natural!" It's like us ...