Yesterday, I found myself pondering on Psalm 91:1 in prayer. It was one of those prayer times where this thought leads to another thought which leads to this verse which leads to a worship chorus which leads me to another of consciousness type of praying! It can seem so, soooo random! I didn't mean to end up on Psalm 23 but I streamed my way to it. Like I said, it all started with my meditation on Psalm 91:1, which says: He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I love the imagery of this verse! What a beautiful picture that it paints: dwelling in the secret place of God, abiding under his shadow. Doesn't it just project safety, security, and belonging? I don't think it's coincidence that the Psalm proceeding 91 opens with the words, "Lord, YOU have been our dwelling place in all generations (Ps 90:1)." The very secret place we are invited to dwell in is God himself . The secret, the...