My Dad sent me a friend request on Facebook recently. I looked down on my phone and saw my Dad's name followed by the words, 'wants to be friends.' I gladly accepted. As I accepted his friend request, my heart was drawn into something I've been pondering lately - Friendship with my Father. It's amazing how friendship with my parents has happened. I can't tell you when it exactly happened, but somewhere along the way I became friends with my parents and not just a daughter. In fact, I don't call my parents because I have to...I really want to check on them, share my feelings with them, and just tell them about the mundane things of my day. Why? Because we're friends. Just yesterday I called my mom to see how her day was going. As I hung up the phone with her I thought about my teen years - back when I was much smarter than she was and couldn't stand it when she wanted to know every little detail of my day, let alone my Life! As my mind wandered back...