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Showing posts from August, 2011

Isaiah 12

My Psalm 17:3's still becoming a lifestyle. I still have good days and bad days. However, just knowing the power of guarding my tongue keeps me in check. It is good when I weigh what I'm about to say, wondering if it's of any benefit. I just pray there will be a time when I ALWAYS choose right! :) This morning I was doing some homework for a class on Isaiah that I'm taking. I was answering a question regarding Isaiah chapter 12 (one of my favorite salvation prayer chapters), when something jumped out at me. First, take a look at Isaiah 12: 1 And in that day you will say:       “ O LORD, I will praise You; Though You were angry with me, Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me. 2 Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘ For YAH, the LORD, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation.’” 3 Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation. 4 And in that day...

For Those Friends Who Have Been Praying For Me...(You know who you are :)! )

Here are the journal entries I told you about. The first one is from today's prayer time. The one following is an entry from March that God reminded me of today. I'm also attaching one more...something that goes along with the other two. I usually have a trusted prophetic friend read my journal entries. I have not had her read todays. So, if you feel a check in your heart that I've missed any part (for we all prophesy in part), let me know. That's why I have her check many of them. Otherwise, wow. God messed me up today with his great love and trust in me. Enjoy! August 5, 2011 You are so much deeper than I know. Your depths are unsearchable, your rivers too wide to search out. But I am happy here on these waters. For though I may not see the depths or the eternal horizon, I am moved with every well designed ripple. Every stirring of the waters stirs my soul. Like gentle waves lapping on the shore, your presence washes over me leaving me marked and changed forever...